In the News
June 28, 2024
Bushy Lake Eco-Cultural Restoration Conceptual Restoration Plan - Final
October 12, 2023
Information on Western Pond Turtles (Actinemys marmorata) Proposed for Listing as Threated by USFS
See U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service statement: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposes federal protections for both species of western pond turtle under the Endangered Species Act
August 2021
Saving Bushy Lake: Sac State professor leads restoration, preservation efforts
Inside Sacramento - By Cathryn Rakich
Update on Bushy Lake featuring ENVS Faculty Dr. Michelle Stevens
June 23, 2021
More fires are burning along American River Parkway. How can we save our local treasure?
The Sacramento Bee - By Ryan Sabalow, Phillip Reese, and Michael McGough
ENVS Professor, Dr. Michelle Stevens, quoted in Sacramento Bee article
April 22, 2021
Environmentalist of the Year Dr. Michelle Stevens
Environmental Council of Sacramento